Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Idiots, I say! All of them!

This would be really funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.  Give me a moment whilst I go get my soapbox… Alright, I am back and perched happily atop its sturdy frame!


I am on an address list of a website that has email traffic from people who graduated from my high school during the eighties.  This is not "Classmates" or "Reunion.com" or anything like that.  It’s just a sort of blog-type site that has different groups on it.  I am really not sure how I got on the email list, but I am there.  So be it.  90% of the time I delete the emails without ever reading them.  Yesterday, for whatever reason, I read one of the emails.   


It was written by a female who graduated in ’83, I think, and she was replying to a previous post commiserating with other parents.  Basically about how horrible it is to be a parent.  Whatever.  The part that killed me, is she wrote the following sentence exactly like this:  And yes things are very different now then when we were kids..but we RESEPCTED anyone who was older, children now a days do not I repete do not have this trate.”


I actually cut and pasted it so you wouldn't think I was making it up.  As if that isn’t bad enough, she follows it up by saying she is a nursery school ‘teacher’ to 65 children a week.  I have some news for you, there is a very distinct difference between a typo and being a complete idiot.  This was not simply a case of “hte” for the, or “hsa” for has.  This is a woman who ‘teaches 65 children a week’.  I have more news for you there…you are a babysitter.  There has yet to be a single state in the Union that requires a nursery school child to pass a state exam upon completion of nursery school to go on to kindergarten.  Matter of fact, there isn’t a single state that requires attendance in nursery school!  Additionally this person shouldn’t be allowed to teach obedience to dogs, let alone anything to children.  Not a single properly used comma in the sentence (which, by the way, she started with the word “And”). 


Tell me, what is the deal with “repete”?  It could be a knockoff skit from “The Newhart” show…This is my brother Pete and this is my other brother Re-pete”.   You could do a “My Name is Earl” sketch on having “trater tots” back at the trailer park with your supper.


I realize that I can’t change the world, and getting all riled up about it won’t make it better.  I also know that I am not the most grammatically correct person in the world.  I am sure I have misused a comma here and there in this post alone.  The difference is, I know my weaknesses and by golly I am at least smart enough to use the "spell check".


Anonymous said...

Nice post, Norman.

Anonymous said...

I know.  Kind of sad, isn't it?  I just couldn't help myself.  It was like I was just overcome with this NEED...this insatiable NEED to rant and hiss about it!  Even your 8 year old's grammar is better than that drivel.  I place the blame for my inability to control my keyboard squarely on the genes I inherited from dad.