Friday, March 3, 2006

The final 25

Well, here they are, the final 25.  These last 25 were much harder to come up with than I thought they would be.  I think it's not that I couldn't think of 25 more things, but trying to come up with 25 more INTERESTING things is a different story.  I think 100 may have been a bit much.  I should have gone with 50.  But, here they are, nonetheless, as promised. 

25.  I have a tiny tattoo

24.  I have a belly ring.

23.  I have done my own plumbing and floor installation.

22.  I know how to change my own oil, but I will always pay someone else to do it.

21.  I will always mow my own lawn.  It’s great exercise!!

20.  I am a realist, and that is often confused with being a pessimist.

19.  I loathe taking pills/medicine for anything. 

18.  If there was a magic weight loss pill, I could probably get over # 19.

17.  I believe that if I chose not to go to work full time I, too, would be homeless.

16.  I love the way the sunrise looks in Texas.

15.  One of my favorite childhood memories was apple picking in upstate New York.

14.  The best tap water I have ever tasted was at my Aunt Pearls house in White Plains.

13.  When I am embarrassed I turn so red that people around me can’t help but point it out.

12.  I don’t know anyone who has ever spent any time in jail.

11.  I feel like I could benefit from Yoga, if I ever took the time to do it regularly.

10.  My favorite number is 28

09.  My favorite color is purple

08.  Every time I have cherry flavored Kool-aid, I am transported right back to childhood.

07.  I am the lone green-eyed member of an entirely brown-eyed family.

06.  My brother and sister used to use #07 to attempt to convince me that I was adopted.

05.  Getting older doesn't bother me in the least.

04.  I wish I could have Nova and cream cheese on a bagel for breakfast every day.

03.  I wish I could find a place here to have Nova and cream cheese on a bagel even once.

02.  I have wished for aliens from outer space to come and take me away.

01.  I would never ever want to be famous.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing list. I had a great time writing mine - I can tell you enjoyed yours, too.

Wow - the things you learn about people on the internet. On top of the World Trade Center, eh? That sure beats in a tree on a college campus!!

If your favorite number is 28, I would have expected you to put something more important as #28 (unless you REALLY hate Wal-Mart that much).

It's nice to know that we share the same person as the most influential woman in our lives.

Keep up the good writing.