Saturday, September 20, 2008

MySpace and Facebook and Plaxo...oh my!

So I get an online invitation today from an old friend and previous work colleague to "accept her invitation" to Plaxo.  Apparently I joined Plaxo at some point, but I don't remember doing it.  I am now connected with her through Plaxo, Facebook, myspace and Linkedin.   I am guessing that there are even more out there that I don't know about.   Interestingly enough I have people that I know on all four that may or may not also be on the other three.  Mostly people I have worked with at one time or another.  I find that Facebook has lots of people from my high school days that I hadn't heard or even thought about in close to 20 years.  It's been a hoot and a half catching up with those folks!   Facebook and MySpace is mostly people I worked with when I was still doing the corporate America gig.   Same with Linkedin.  I am not quite sure which direction Plaxo is heading yet.   I suppose it isn't all bad.  To be honest, if it wasn't for internet networks, I probably wouldn't have any networks at all. 

I regret not updating this blog more often than I do.  I find that over the years it has changed somewhat from being all about my life in the Air Force to being just about my life in general.  I suppose it takes a bit of an ego to write about your life in a forum where others can simply click on your link and read about you.  Do I really think I am that interesting?  Not really.  But it's a cool outlet.  I can write what I want, when I want it and offer up no apologies on anything I spew forth.  It's my blog, dammit

Besides, I met a man recently and he's got the link.  Suppose I should make an effort now to update more often.  No pressure or anything though (hi Eric!).

1 comment:

The NL Wife said...

Yeah, you should blog more.