Saturday, December 4, 2004

Busted flat in Baton Rouge...

Ok, so maybe I am not in Baton Rouge exactly, but there aren't any songs that I am familiar with that have the name Bossier City in it.  So I put a little bit of Janice Joplin in there.  I left Sheppard yesterday morning.  We had our dining out (picture above)and graduation on Thursday night.  To be totally honest, I went into it thinking my Thursday evening could be spent much more productivly either packing, or getting ready to leave Sheppard, but going to the dining out, meeting my new commander, and seeing all of my HSA classmates looking and feeling happy as they were was surprisingly fulfilling.  When Maj. Cullison, our course director, called each of us up for the graduation 'ceremony', I found myself feeling very good about the whole thing.

My flight, Alpha flight (yes, i was in alpha flight this time too just like I was in COT), won the overall athletic award.  SWEET!  The next morning, Friday morning, we all met up at the schoolhouse again for some final briefings and farewells.  I was a little taken aback by my reaction.  I actually got teary.  I was surprised at how much I realized I was going to miss some of the people that I was leaving.  Some of these people I had gone through COT with as well, which pretty much meant that we were stuck together for the past 4 months in anything but a 'normal' environment, and we became close.  One person in particular I became very good friends with.  He restored my faith in people really.  He is someone who doesn't drink, enjoys discussing books we've both read, loves tea, is intellegent enough to discuss philosophy and social issues, and likes watching documentarys on the Discovery channel, just like me.  It was really nice to be able to share some down time with someone I had so much in common with, and wasn't interested in how much drinking we could get in and still do PT the next morning.  He cooked too.  Have mercy, that boy could cook a meal.  I will miss him especially. 

So now, I will start my life here in Louisiana.  I am in a hotel right now, which is not the nicest place on the planet but it's warm and clean, and a home of my own will soon follow!  Woo hoo!

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