Sunday, November 28, 2004

The begining of the end

It's Sunday, and tomorrow begins my last week here at Sheppard.  I went out early this morning to Target for my last purchase of water for my room, some warmer waterproof gloves for an upcoming exercise and my Starbucks hot chocolate.  YUMMY!

Then I needed to go to Lowes an buy a water hose for my washing machine which broke before I left Florida.  Actually, the hard water in Florida simply made it impossible to unhook it from the wall so I just left it there and bought a new one.  So it will stay in my car until I get to my new home!  On my way to Lowes, I passed one of the restaurants that some of us in HSA frequented, The Texas Roadhouse.  I had never heard of it until I got here, but turns out it is a chain.  Very good food.  I found myself a little sad when I passed it.  I am going to miss going there with the gang. We had a lot of laughs there.  Good memories.

Louisiana is giong to be great.  I am going to be working in Logisitcs.  It was a one in 6 shot where I would be put to work, and logistics will probably be a challenge.  Not the most feminine of duties, but one that I would have had to learn eventually so it will be fine to get it out of the way in this first assignment.  I will be heading up a Mil Con project (military construction).  Hee hee.  It oughta be interesting.  I wonder if they make steel toe combat boots in a size 3 XW. 

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