Monday, July 19, 2004

ahhh...the joys of moving

No one ever said that moving was easy...but when you are in the military, moving can require an entirely different set of organizational skills.  In my case, I am going on two consecutive temporary duty assignments prior to heading off to my permanent duty station in Louisiana.  Because of that, the movers are coming to pick up my household goods in 10 days, and I wont see my things again until I get to Louisiana...six months from now.  What that means is that I have to figure out what of my belongings I need to take with me that I can't go without for six months.  Which is actually more challenging than it sounds (or does it sound as challenging as it actually is?  Hmmm...)

To my advantage, I have a car, and I will be able to take more things with me than, say, someone who is going to be flying to thier destination.  But, having more room could lend itself to more problems too.  Taking that which I really don't need just because I have the room and whatnot.    Although, now that I have been working on it for about three days, things are starting to flow nicely.  I am feeling less stressed.  And, a great benefit of the military is that THEY will pack all of my things up for me (minus the items I am taking with me in my car).

The phone is ringing....More later! 

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