Monday, May 31, 2004

Some good news...?

After speaking with my recruiter on Thursday of last week, I am feeling a bit more confident about getting my orders.  He assured me that the approval channels have all been cleared with the exception of the final one, which has only been delayed because the approval authority has been on leave.  He told me that I should have final approval tomorrow.    Which is slightly ironic considering that my promotion to Assistant Vice President with my company becomes effective tomorrow as well.   If my final approval for the Air Force comes through tomorrow, then I will be turning in my resignation letter sometime this week.   It's a nerve wracking thought. 

I have been with this company for over 6 years.  I realize that in the professional world (in this day and age), that pretty much amounts to overstaying your welcome.  Shows a fear of change.  I also know that no matter what happened with the Air Force, I would have had to look elsewhere eventually for the opportunites to move up in the world.  It's not that I am UN-happy with my company or my job, really.   It's just time to go.  It's the nature of the beast.  I look at all the executives who I know personally, and only ONE of them came from the ground up within the company.  All the rest came over from other fortune 100's and 500's.  And we, in turn, have lost some to other companies.   That's just the way it goes.  It's not a bad thing, I suppose.  And if it gets me where I want to go, so be it. 

The prospect of starting life anew is very exciting.  I am in a good place, and fortunete to have made the right choices previously that have enabled me to be able to make these kinds of choices now. 

I don't suspect the resignation conversation will go all that well.  I think my current boss is going to be saddened at the prospect of my leaving.  Quite frankly, that makes two of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does the training you get in the Air Force benefit you for jobs outside of the military?