Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Soapbox returns

There is a story in the news this week about a teenage girl who committed suicide. Very sad. Looked like a beautiful young lady by her picture. Her parents (I am assuming) feel that the harassment she suffered at the hands of other teenage girls were the cause of her taking her own life. This has spawned a lawsuit against the teenagers who were harassing her in the weeks prior and leading up to the day she took her own life.

I am a huge believer in being the master of your own destiny. People never, ever, commit suicide due to the actions of another. People commit suicide because THEY do not have the ability to deal with their problems in a different way. Children and teens are not exempt from this.

Take heartbreak for example. If the person you love breaks your heart and you commit suicide, is that really the fault of the person who broke your heart? Or is it YOUR fault for not being able to deal with the pain of the heartbreak? Arguably, heartbreak is one of the worst kinds of pain a person can feel in their life and it is a test of endurance to be able to come through on the other side. But no matter how bad the pain is, how each person deals with it is entirely their responsibility. If they learn something from the experience and grow stronger from the process then good for them. If they find that the despair is too much and they commit suicide, then bad on them. But just as you have to give credit to someone who comes through pain and adversity a stronger person, you must lay blame on the same person who takes their own life. This is because it was their decision.

Parents are shouldered with the responsibility of making sure their kids have the tools necessary to deal with life issues as they come up, but even with that, even the best parent can only do so much. If a child commits suicide, it isn't the fault of the parents. As I said before, children and teens are not exempt from being the masters of their own destinies. Suicide is a highly personal choice and no matter how badly a person is treated by another, harassed by another, or had their heart broken by another, it still comes down to a personal choice to live or to die.

The fact the the teenage girls who were harassing this poor kid are horrible, awful, bully bitches who should probably be sent to a North Korean labor camp for some retributional bullying of their own is a different story all together.


DrChako said...

I agree with most of your points. I think Psychiatrists would disagree, however. Many feel that it's a form of mental illness that leads people to commit suicide. Some of it certainly can be traced to upbringing, but I'm certain it's compounded by faulty wiring and exacerbated by hormones in the young and depression in the elderly. And when I say depression, that is the case 99.99% of the time. Sometimes it just stubbornness.

As for the parents, I'm certain they needed to blame someone. It's only natural. I get it. I also hope the judge throws the case out. Karma will take care of the rest.

-Yur Brudder

The Sister said...

Yes, I do agree with your points about psychological illness being a contributing factor, but I figured that was a whole other topic. The mind is hardwired to survive, and when it instead generates the need to die, there is surely some wiring that has gotten crossed along the way. Even so, still never the fault of an outside party. Even mental illness is within. VALID, but within.

The Sister