Sunday, December 14, 2008


I can hardly believe that 2009 is almost here. 2009! Shouldn't we be further along than we are right now? I know that in 1977 I was SURE that by the time we hit the year 2000, we'd be driving hovercrafts and have the ability to fly on our own private rockets. I am disappointed that I can't yet "beam" myself somewhere. And what about time travel??? I mean, time travel should be a GIVEN at this point, shouldn't it? I would totally travel back to a time when I could have bought "Google" at $10 bucks a share. Other than that, I'd probably just roam around different points in time to be able to see cool stuff. Moon landing, Plymouth Rock landing, Woodstock (but i'd be sure to beam myself up in front of the stage so I wouldn't have to deal with all the freaky whacked out flower children). I'd love to see Janis and Jimmi play live without having to deal with the crowds and things.

We should also have the power to make ourselves invisible. Like in Harry Potter. That would RULE. Right now, I would hitch a ride on a KC 135 that I knew was heading out to where my sweetheart is and surprise him. Whoo hoo!

For now, I suppose I can just hope that 2009 is a better year than 2008. I would sure like to still have my dad around (a new time travel destination perhaps?) Not that 2008 has been ALL bad. I did meet an amazing man, bought a fantastic house and got my dog back after all. And with any luck, I will have finished SOS before 2008 is over too.

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