I have no kids so I realize that I may be speaking out of turn, but being a parent has got to be a tough job, even in the absolute best of circumstances. But being MY father must have been really difficult. I wasn't a rebel. I didn't break the rules. I wasn't a whiner and I never had to be told more than once to do or not to do anything. I know, really tough, huh? Well, I looked a lot different from most kids my age. Who am I kidding? I looked different than ALL the kids my age. I was significantly shorter than anyone for my entire childhood and teen years. And I was a late bloomer. Bad combination. I would have fit right in had I grown up in Tokyo.
Dad was great in that he never made me feel like there were things I couldn't do because I was so small. If I couldn't reach the sink to do dishes, I stood on a chair. If I couldn't reach the plates I stood on the counters. All that, but there was one thing he couldn't do...make me taller. And I was constantly bitching about things related to it. I wanted more than anything to look like the girls on the magazine covers. They were my age and they were wearing makeup and bikini's and had boobs! I remember one time we were in a store, I saw another magazine and asked my dad why I wasn't pretty. And when would I get my boobs. I must have been 16 or so (really late bloomer). I don't remember exactly what he said to console me this particular time, but whatever it was, it always worked. I know it had to have been difficult for him with me constantly asking about things that would never happen.
Today I was watching TV and saw a commercial for J'Adore perfume. It was a great commercial with this really hot, sexy, woman who was walking across a floor and taking things off in a frustrated, sexy manner until she was completely naked. Forget the perfume, I wanted to be HER! Tall, thin, hot, sexy. Sexy enough to be able to pull off walking down a long corridor while ripping off pieces of clothing and jewelery until I was completely naked and have it be a complete turn on to my man.
Reality is I could be thin as a rail and still never be tall enough to pull off "sexy". Cute maybe. But not "sexy". In addition, I'd probably trip and fall over if I was trying to walk and take stuff off at the same time. 37 years old and still not satisfied.
At least I finally got my boobs. Good ones too. And because they showed up so late, they still defy gravity. Of course if I hadn't gotten them naturally, I could have bought them. Can't buy 9 more inches of height and "sexy".