Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Laminated List

Most people know what the "Laminated List" is. If I am not mistaken, it may have come from an episode of "Seinfeld". It's a list that holds the name of 5 famous people (no real people or people you know personally) who you would be given a free pass to have sex with, even if you were married, in the event that they would suddenly show up on your doorstep and insist that they would want to have sex with you too. No repercussions. My list contains the following 5 people:

Bruce Willis
Kevin Costner
John Travolta
Blair Underwood
Johnny Depp (providing he showered before hand)

My list used to have Christopher Reeve on it too, but since he's no longer alive, I felt it was only fair to put a new name in his place (welcome to Johnny Depp!). If there was any question, should anyone else on the list happen to die, there are runner's up waiting in the wings...

The Sister

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