Friday, December 22, 2006

Scrubs, whales and Scrubs again

I am watching Scrubs again.  The best show on TV.  It reruns on TBS and I didn't watch it when it first came out so now it's all new to me.  But more about Scrubs later... A commercial came on just now that was for one of those new cell phones.  It had two people floating under the ocean and they were talking about the phone.  Then a woman floats up to them and says "nice phone" and this big honkin' whale swims down on her from above and eats her!  It completely freaked me out.  That was one f**ked up commerical.  I may have nightmares.

Back to Scrubs.  Best show on TV.  Yesterday I was watching an episode and Dr. Dorian (Zach Braff) was trying to diagnose a patient and he comes up with this diagnosis that is a remote disease that only people in the Congo get and has been eradicated since the late 18th century or something like that.  Dr. Cox's character starts on one of his truly priceless tirades about Dr. Dorian "looking for zebra's".  It was hysterical.  What made it even funnier was that when my brother was in medical school he told me a story about exactly that.  Med students, who have only learned enough to be dangerous, that come up with these remote diagnoses for people who have something simple and common.  But they are so eager to save the world and see something they learned about that they will look for "zebras" in a field of horses.

Reading it over, I realize that it looses a little something in the relay of the story.  But I don't care.  My blog.  Neener neener.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It certainly lost nothing to me!

It's got to be Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome! I just know it!