Saturday, August 19, 2006

Double *grrrr*

I am on the phone with my brother this evening, and I was asking him if he ever knew anyone who has ever bought a car using Ebaymotors.  He asked me why? I told him the story of my car drama.  During the conversation, I was sharing with him the little things that frustrated me about my Toyota that I mentioned in my last entry.  Including the fact that I can't open the trunk from the inside of the car.  He stopped me and said that he had never heard of that.  I told him I know and that is one of the reasons why it irked me.  You should be able to open the trunk from the inside.  He said have you looked for the switch inside the glove compartment?  Glove compartment?  Why in God's name would I look for the trunk switch in the glove compartment?  Every car I have owned has had the trunk switch near the gas cap switch on the floor by the drivers side seat.  So, with him on the phone, I went out to my car, with dread in my heart, as my typical M.O. crept into the forefront of my mind and opened up the glove compartment...

I was happy to see, at first, there were no obvious buttons or switches that looked like, or were labeled, "trunk" but I felt around anyway and as my fingers passed over the little black button my head fell down into my chest.  I pressed the button which was answered with a simple "pop" as the trunk opened.  "Son of a..." I exclaim as I hear the first vestiges of what was going to be a full four minutes of laughter out of my brother.  Admittedly, I laughed pretty darn hard myself.  Mostly out of embarrassment as I recalled a very similar story involving me, my lawn mower and it's "primer" button that i didn't know existed.  But also out of sweet relief that I now know something new about my car that will certainly make my life easier when I travel!

Thanks, Chuck, for making my life easier and not making me feel TOO foolish about it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are quite welcome.

I'm still giggling (respectfully, of course).


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