Sunday, April 9, 2006

Test anxiety

Next week is mid-term week.  I start worrying about mid-term week about 1 week into the semester.  I hate tests and it doesn't get any easier as I get older.  As a matter of fact, it gets worse.  I suppose if i was one of those naturally brilliant individuals, you know, the ones who don't have to crack a book and kick ass on every test they take, i wouldn't be nearly as worried.  But I am a needs-to-study-for-hours-on-end kind of person.  I sometimes wonder why i even subject myself to this kind of stress voluntarily.  I sure as hell have plenty of stress at work to last me all day and night for the rest of my life.  Much of it I can do nothing about.  Maybe that is why I like school.  It's stressful, but I really do have total control over how well I perform.  I work really hard and I earn all the credit.   

The real reason why I do it is because I want to get picked up for an AFIT scholarship from the Air Force.  AFIT stands for Air Force Institute of Technology.  You can get a full scholarship for a masters degree from either a civilian university or Baylor University . Both are sweet options. It means that the Air Force would pay me to go to school full time without having to work.  If i can do really well for the next several classes that I am in now, it can make my AFIT application package more competitive.   The GPA I carry in the classes i am taking now show a history of success at the graduate level.  All the more reason for them to pick me!  I will start the actual application process in about another year.  I am hoping that I can leave this assignment directly into the AFIT program.  That would just rock.  I better get back to the books...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You think YOU hate those naturally smart people who don't have to crack a book - try being MARRIED to one...