Monday, June 17, 2013

Military Crawling With Violent Sex-Crazed Men? I Think Not.

BOTTOM LINE UP FRONT:  The military is NOT filled with a bunch of bottom-feeding, women-stalking, violent rapists. 
There are no perfect sectors of society.  Every city, town, country, and place of business can have an asshole or two in their employ.  I really take issue with the stories that media outlets are putting forth (not limited to left or right, all are guilty) highlighting the hesitation of female Americans to join the military because they are afraid of being raped.  As if there’s some huge infestation of insolent men creeping around looking for women to rape.  REALLY???  I’ve been enlisted.  Now, I’m an officer.  I’ve been stationed overseas, stateside, and deployed to the AOR.  I’ve even been deployed in an environment where I was one of only THREE females in the ENTIRE UNIT and the ONLY female in my living quarters.  I’ve never had an issue, and don’t know any other female who has had an issue.  Oh, and for the record, looks have very little to do with it.  Not that I'm a troll or anything...
Have I heard of incidents where people get drunk and put themselves into positions that put them at risk (both female and male)?  Of course.  But so has everyone.  Those are no different than any number of incidents that I witnessed as a civilian out at a club on any given Friday or Saturday night. 
Are there women who are sexually assaulted in the United States?  Yes there are.  Are there women who are sexually assaulted in the military?  Yes there are.  But it’s not any more prevalent in the military than it is in the civilian world.  They can twist those statics so they look however they want them to look.  
As a CIVILIAN in South Florida I saw drunk-ass women get taken advantage of in nightclubs, I’ve seen men spike drinks with god-only-knows-what, and “help” carry these girls who could no longer forward-mote on their own out to their cars or wherever they were taking them.   
But in my 22 years of eyes-wide-open experience since enlisting I personally know of no questionable incidents, even NOT limited to accusations of sexual assault, that couldn’t have been prevented had individuals taken responsibility for their own actions, maintained control of their faculties, or knew when to say ‘when’.   The same holds true in the civilian world.  The rules that govern military society don’t condone this behavior any more than the civilian world does.  As a female member of the military I resent the picture that’s being portrayed otherwise.

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