Friday, April 3, 2009

The downside of Audi...

I love my Audi. It is an A4 convertible, its got a cute little turbo engine, and it suits me just fine. The great thing about Audi was their warranty. They took care of everything, and I mean everything to 50K miles. I didn't pay for so much as an oil change.

Since I knew I would own this car for a long time, I even purchased the 100K extended warranty. I now have 56K miles on it and like a light switch was flipped, my Audi is falling apart. Two engine coils broke (had one hell of a fight with the warranty company on that one, but they finally paid). Then the glove box handle broke. This is a $530 problem. For a tiny little flippy thing!! I am not goig to fix it. No, it is not covered by the $2600 warranty I bought. Then the hydrolic thing on the convertible top broke. This is a $300 problem.

What is an Audi owner to do??

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